
Bus Route Improvements Suggestions

As part of the Bus Back Better Strategy Wiltshire Council has received a grant for £ 671,000 to improve bus services across Wiltshire.

This obviously isn’t a huge amount when spread across the whole county. A consultation has already taken place last year (long before I was elected!) and apparently ideas were received.

However with the tremendous change of lockdown, definite plans of how the money will be spent now need to be made.

So in a very short consultation process we need to collate suggested improvements to Chippenham’s bus services and send to Chippenham’s planning officer by next Wednesday 30th June.

Please bear in mind…

  • This money is to be spread around the county and so requests for small improvements to existing services are likely to be more successful
  • A new all-day service could cost in the region of £150,000 per annum to operate and be difficult to resource
  • One additional journey, or an extension of an existing one can make a significant difference

So can people please email myself sustainableimp@gmail.com or comment here, or email any Town Councillor and we will pass them to Chippenham’s planning officer.

If you know a neighbour who isn’t on Facebook or email please do ask them and pass on their feedback.

Sorry it’s short notice. Thank you,

Cllr Matthew Short